Security Monitoring + Threat Hunting

Organizations cannot afford to assume that their security measures are impenetrable.  Attackers sole purpose is finding ways to circumvent defenses.  Chances are high that threats already exist inside your organization’s networks, but remain unknown due to lack of visibility and expertise to detect a compromise.  Talus’s Security Monitoring platform incorporates comprehensive visibility through analyzing network traffic as well as endpoint activity.  When merging of network and endpoint activity, a more contextual view comes into focus, permitting the analyst to see a sequence of events that will illuminate malicious activity.  Furthermore, our analysts don’t wait for the threats to come to them.  They hunt for attackers before they can inflict damage.

  • Shift from reactive to proactive protection
  • Identify, contain, and eliminate adversaries targeting your networks
  • Perform network and host forensics
  • 24/7 Continuous Monitoring
  • Cloud and IoT
  • Insider Threats