Wireless Security Assessment

Wireless networks enable organizations to expand their infrastructure rapidly and economically, but improperly configured wireless networks can become a source for painful vulnerabilities that leaves an organization’s internal network open to exploits or painful user experience. Configuration and implementation deficiencies can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information or networks, without physical access to the building. Talus offers a wireless security assessment and/or penetration test that can provide your organization with a detailed look at the current risk of your wireless implementation. wireless security assessment will entail detailed analysis and review or the wireless architecture, design and implantation from which Talus will formulate recommendations for identified issues. For Wireless penetration tests, Talus will take on the role of a malicious actor and attempt to exploit wireless networks and hosts:

  • Wireless Site Survey
  • Wireless Secure Architecture and Design
  • Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
  • Network Access Control
  • Wireless Policy Review
  • Wireless Configuration Review